Laser based wheel force diagnostics type "Lasca®"
The Lasca®-system is in the position to monitor eachwheel fullyautomatically via the wheel force diagnosis from the operational use. It can be used for railways and also for trams. This allows the"condition-based maintenance" of your vehicles.LASCA®isLGA/ TUVcertified.Our monitoringsystem has abuilt-approval of the Gernam Railway Authorities (EBA)forall tracktypesand speeds.
The Lasca®-system is installed in the track without any changes to the superstructure or the rail. The sensors are mounted to the rail by positive locking clampings.
The Lasca® detects the following wheel/axle properties and errors durring the passing:
- Wheel load
- Wheel flat
- Polygons
- Out of roundness
The softwarehas grownin the market, is modularlydesignedand includes allinternational experiencein Europe, theUSAand Asia (China).
By a wayside monitoring thevehiclesin useandthe graphicaldata-handling,itself-calibratingmonitoring system, there isa convenient tool foran integrated qualitymanagement.Itallows not onlystatisticaldata collectionand theimmediate notificationof limits(egflats). The selectiveinvestigationof abnormalwear on thewheeland bogieare possibleover the evaluationof the dynamicrunning behaviorof the vehicles.