Sensors in the track area - proven for years:
- Laser-assisted, directionalstrain detectionof the rail (bending moment).
- Long-term stable, positive fitsensorsclampedattachmentwithout opening thesuperstructure.
- Quick installationand maintenancein naturaltrain breakswithout affecting thetrain transportsthrough standardized andpre-assembledmodules.
- Easy adjustment ofsensorswith opticaladjustment (light spot on thesensorproduces avoltage division,similar to thecenter tap of aslidingresistance).
- Removable, mountedonO-ringsbeam andweather protection.
- No removalin trackmaintenance(plug, grinding,etc.).
- No impairmentoftrain detectionsystems.
- EBA approvalfor alltrack andtrack systemsat all speeds.
PC based the latest generation of measurement:
- Network-based, synchronous data acquisition of 24 channels, 16 bit resolution and 500 kHz sample rate sum..
- Integration of digital inputs and outputs for software-controlled processes.
- Graphical configuration of the monitoring system with live display of the raw signals - direct control of all settings via remote maintenance.
- Hardware and software for automatically controlled monitoring of the overall system.
- Integration of external data sources such as Train bus numbers, transponder.
- Encrypted communication levels over LAN, Internet, Mail, FTP, radio, SMS - File formats: XLS, XML, TXT.
- Graphic data processing in the customer's server through database synchronization with track machine.
- Operating system from Windows. 7
Complex analysis and reporting software
- Modular software for automatic wheel, axle and vehicle identification and assessment according to customer specific limits such as:
- Flat spots and spalling in number and mm / wheel.
- Runout in the form and mm / wheel.
- Load shifts in axle, bogie and vehicle.
- Dynamic running behavior of the vehicles, etc.
- Graphical data processing
- Modulare signal lines:
- Immediate notification with traffic light status and malicious code.
- Filtered customer data train / vehicle.
- Daily lists and statistics.
- Vital signs and maintenance instructions.